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Forget about it

A plant that allows to automatically dilute glue and keep record of the consumptions per working hour and day, as well as for every production batch.

A 100% automated plant
The need of the customer was a plant to automatically dilute glue and keep record of consumptions per working hour and day, as well as for every production batch. The system had also to give the possibility to automatically fill the glue tank, allowing to completely do without operators in the glue preparing phases.
The Solution
Movingfluid has designed the system, following a different-steps route: feasibility study, project and functional plan implementation, sharing of the technical solution with the customer, creation of the sales price in respect of the price given by Henkel during the study phase, construction of the first system/ prototype and final test at a customer’s selected by Henkel.
The Advantage
No men at work
No need of operators

The system designed for Henkel by Movingfluid is totally automatic: there’s no need of operators at work and is completely safe. A high-tech, dynamic and efficient advantage.

Custom documents
The right product

The systems have been delivered in the requested languages with all the accompanying documents. In a personalised version.

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